GOP hires female prosecutor to do their work
I really liked this Vox article's commentary on the Republican's choice to hire a female prosecutor to do their side of the questioning. Traditionally in hearings, the members from opposing political parties switch off in their questioning, but the Republicans on the judiciary committee chose to have a prosecutor cross-examine Ford and Kavaneuh. No one is on trial, but the presence of a prosecutor and her line of question made it feel like they were.
The republicans also chose to use a female prosecutor. Which I see as a deliberate choice to offset the fact that all of the republicans on the committee are older white men. If they had examined Ford the way the prosecutor had, it would be a much harsher visual that may cause even more public disdain and backlash.
It may be too late to for Ford to pursue a lawsuit against Kavanaugh for the original assault, but the precedent this decision would set is enormous. In a different time, do you the actions you committed then have consequences now? Only the outcome of the case can tell us which way history will swing.
Thanks for mentioning this aspect of the questioning! I though it was a very evasive way for the more conservative male congressmen to save face while still asking Dr. Ford very questionable things. It was so obvious that it was just to make sure the hearing wouldn't damage public opinion of the actual congressmen behind it.