"Lying Skanks"- Kevin Jackson (fired from Fox News)

This past week, the hottest topic on social media and the news was Brett Kavanaugh and Christina Blasey Ford. Millions of people all over the world have come out to social media to claim their support for Dr. Ford, while others have been open about hating her.

Dr. Ford has received thousands of death threats and hate mail, badgering visits from media, and also had to move out of her Palo Alto home with her husband and children to an undisclosed home. Kavanaugh as well as several Senate officials have come out guns blazing against her as well.

Many people have come out saying that the Women who accused Kavanaugh of assaulting them are lying, or that they should not be believed. People also believe that Kavanaugh moving closer to a position in the SCOTUS will lead to people not reporting their assaults for fear that no one will believe them or be taken seriously.

Kevin Jackson from FOX news was recently fired after a series of tweets calling Kavanaugh and other accuseres, "Lying Skanks". It's problematic language like this that deprives victims and women the strength the deserve to come out against their abusers.


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