Agony Autie
Autism is a large spectrum of behaviors that is widely misunderstood. One of the things neurotypical parents fear when having a child as if their life can't be normal and enjoyable. Agony Autie is a really great personal blog that has grown to have over 10,000 followers. Sara talks about how to cope with and explains symptom. She is autistic herself and tells life from her own perspective. She reviews vacation spots for how accommodating the are to autistic people and her every day struggles that are not as visible or obvious. Social media is great for agenda setting and starting new conversations about misunderstood or marginalized groups.
People who are autistic are often symbolically annihilated from media. The issues that they face, including sexual violence, often go unnoticed by mainstream media. Many myths about autistic people, such as the myth that autistic people are not emotional, not only exist but are perpetuated in mainstream media. Attached here is a youtube video which has several autistic women answer questions about their relationships, ending common myths, and their agency as autistic women; this video even pulls from an intersectional lens by interviewing an African American autistic woman, who delves into how both of those identities have shaped her diagnosis and her life.