gives ALL African writers a chance
The gatekeepers (editors) of African literature are often looking for stories that capture an "authentic" Africa, whatever that means. Well, what it means is African safari's or wars and dying children. Lately, writers like Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Teju Cole an others are changing this cliche narrative of what African writers look like.
Sources like are creating a medium for all African writers voices to be heard, without gatekeepers to decide which stories will sell and which won't. This is very much like the role of media producers reproducing sterotypical stories because the know they will sell and keeping certain voices out because of their perceived unmarketability. Brittlepaper gives space to all kinds of African writers and taking away many of the power structures that create barriers.
Sources like are creating a medium for all African writers voices to be heard, without gatekeepers to decide which stories will sell and which won't. This is very much like the role of media producers reproducing sterotypical stories because the know they will sell and keeping certain voices out because of their perceived unmarketability. Brittlepaper gives space to all kinds of African writers and taking away many of the power structures that create barriers.

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