Caravan on the Agenda
As a group of migrants flee violence in their countries, many media outlets are demonizing the "caravan" of migrants as some sort of "invasion," as if about 4,000 people could over take a nation of 325 million. The realitiy is the are refugees fleeing harsh regimes and gang violence for a better life. Much of the turmoil in south american countries were caused by US interventions in the 70s, 80s, & 90s that favored neoliberalism and big corporations. It led to the destabilization of governments and the undercutting of small business and local farmers. And now they are coming to the US, but many are left wondering why without knowing the reality of the situation.
The whole issues is part of an agenda setting by the media to direct current political discussion before the midterms. Immigration and border security is a major issue that will stir many people to vote in an election they may not often vote in. By making the caravan a scary thing that is coming to get you, it could drive votes to candidates that opposed taking in these refugees.
I enjoyed reading your post I think its very true that the media reports on immigration in a way that makes it seem much more violent then it is. Another example of this is the phrase ‘chain migration’ that sounds very intense but in reality means family unification and immigrant families traveling together.